Arabian Automobile Association - Car Towing Service in Qatar

 Arabian Automobile Association - Car Towing Service in Qatar

AAA provides automobile registration and renewal services to our Club & Gold Cover members. The scope of this service includes pick up and drop of vehicles from member’s location, within Doha City Limits for statutory checkups for vehicle registrations and vehicle registration formalities with Transport Authority. The owner is charged only for the payments for Vehicle Checkup and Registration Charges. This service is offered as a complementary service, one time a year. The service is to be booked with AAA Customer Service Center minimum 48 hours prior to requirement of the service.

AAA support the premium members by providing Auto Personal Assistance Services. A direct call or dedicated whatsapp number is provided for eligible members to keep updating their vehicle related information that must be logged and organized. AAA organises the information and return the required reports as member needs them, monthly fuel report for refilling data updating members and upto 2 complimentary reports per year based on type of data input.  AAA files the information. Organise the data in the way member needs to be organised with a system learning process and more.. 

• Data Organizing

• Optimal service suggestions

• Periodical reminders

• Information collection

• Appointments & Service Bookings 

Here we have Rapido Recovery Service, The leading car towing service providers in Qatar.


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